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How the Irish Saved Western Civilization

How the Irish Saved Western Civilization

A Kidnapped Briton Named Patrick

An unlikely evangelist in the person of a kidnapped Briton named Patrick brought the Gospel to Ireland where God caused a massive wave of conversions of the Druidic pagans across the Isle. We will visit the site of his first stone church in Armagh and see other sites related to his peripatetic ministry. As the faith spread to places like Cashel and Tempull Breccain in the succeeding generations, the brethren built stone churches and memorials that we too can still visit.

Saint Patrick

Book of Kells

Irish Monks Copy the Great Literary Works

Irish monks led by the likes of a man named Colm Cille — most often called Columba today — and his and other bands of devoted men copied the manuscripts, prayed, led worship, preached the Gospel and fearlessly sailed and trekked into the teeth of pagan civilizations across seas, mountains, deserts and forests to proclaim faith in Christ. As the lights of churches and Christian civilization went out all over Europe, the Celtic Church carried their torches out from their remote island to both preserve and re-ignite the light of the Gospel. We shall see some of their copywork — The Book of Kells in Trinity Library — that illuminated the Gospel, still vivid to us today.

Rock of Cashel

Tempull Breccain

Join us in Ireland this summer and walk where the Irish saved civilization!

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Image credits:
1 Saint Patrick (; 2 Book of Kells (; 3 Rock of Cashel (; 4 Tempull Breccain (

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