Happy Thanksgiving

Week of November 25
“I will sing of the Lord’s great love forever” declared the psalmist, “with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations.” It is a duty to give thanks to the Lord…

Armistice Is Declared, 1918

Week of November 11
Also known as Remembrance Day, and observed as such by countries across the globe, the eleventh of November marks the anniversary of the ceasing of hostilities between the Allied and…

Harvard University Is Founded, 1636

Week of October 28
A mere sixteen years after the Mayflower deposited her few intrepid passengers on the wild and barren shores of Plymouth Harbor, the Puritans of the Massachusetts Bay…

Beatrix Potter Creates Peter Rabbit, 1893

Week of September 2
On this day, while on holiday in Scotland with her family, aspiring naturalist Beatrix Potter penned a note to cheer the son of a friend, a little lad who had been confined…

The Death of Colonel John Laurens, 1782

Week of August 26
As the American War for Independence drew to a close, with the battle of Yorktown being a decisive victory the previous year, a young luminary of the conflict rose from his deathbed…

The Battle of Marston Moor, 1644

Week of July 1
Perhaps the largest battle ever fought on English soil took place two years into England’s bloody Civil War. There the King of England, Charles I had his royalist army...

Legacy of the Venerable Bede, 735

Week of May 20
This summer, Landmark Events will be embarking on a tour of the old kingdom of Northumbria, a land once encompassing northern England and southern Scotland, with strategic...

The Sinking of RMS Lusitania, 1915

Week of May 6
The first year of the First World War was markedly contained in the neutral American mind. While Europe and her various colonies all became embroiled against each other in accordance with...

Remembering the Titanic, 1912

Week of April 8
One hundred twelve years ago, the luxury ocean liner RMS Titanic struck an iceberg and began to sink. In the three short hours before she was submerged, her enduring legacy of heroism and....

Winston Churchill Creates the RAF, 1918

Week of April 1
On this day in 1918, Britain’s Royal Air Force was created by Winston Churchill. It is now considered the oldest independent flying force in the world. They were spawned from the existing...

The Death of Tiberius Caesar, 37 AD

Week of March 11
It was in the reign of Tiberius Caesar that our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified, and what an imposing reign it was. He was born the first son of Tiberius Nero, an acclaimed Roman General,...

The Boston Massacre, 1770

Week of March 4
When looking back at our nation’s road to independence, there were a number of inciting incidents considered to be formative in setting the tone for the manner in which such an...

The Battle of Iwo Jima Begins, 1945

Week of February 19
Seventy-nine years ago, the battle for Iwo Jima began in the Pacific Theatre during World War II. It was fought during the last year of the war and the final push for victory extracted a brutal toll...

Admiral Gaspard de Coligny Is Born, 1519

Week of February 11
In times of persecution, many of our heroes of the faith proved they were men of perseverance, men who mounted eloquent apologetics, who defended the innocent from slaughter...

Robert Burns Is Born, 1759

Week of January 21
On this date, all over the globe, in royal grandeur and in humbler abodes, “Burns Night” is celebrated. Toasts are drunk, verses recited, odes offered to the famed haggis, and...

Samuel Pepys’ First Diary Entry, 1660

Week of December 31
With this inauspicious summary of the state of things, so began the diary of Samuel Pepys who would, in an astounding twist of providence, prove our greatest contemporary...

The Christmas Truce, 1914

Week of December 24
Entering 2024, we will soon mark the 110th anniversary of the commencement of the First World War—“the war to end all wars”. In 1914 the nations of Europe collectively...