About the Event

Whe waters around the Outer Banks of North Carolina are home to hundreds of shipwrecks and the site for every hurricane that visits the East Coast of the United States. Sir Walter Raleigh chose Roanoke Island as the first place to plant a permanent English Colony in the New World, a location that disappeared into the mists of history, almost without a trace. The outer banks were home to swashbuckling pirates during the heyday of (non-governmental) Piracy in America. During the Civil War, in the very first year of the conflict, the area was chosen as a primary target of Union invasion and conquest. The blockading fleet of the United States Navy anchored off the coast there, losing sailors and ships to the storms, but enjoying the beaches when calm. The first experiments in resettling freedmen during the Civil War took place on these islands. Nearby in Plymouth, NC, a great three-day battle occurred which featured the most powerful Confederate ironclad ship of the War, the CSS Albemarle. It was also the site of the most audacious and heroic raid of the Civil War to destroy that ironclad. The lighthouses built in the 19th Century tried to keep shipping off of the shoals, with remarkable success. The Wright Brothers of Dayton, Ohio chose the sand-dunes of Kitty Hawk to test their crazy idea that man could build and occupy a machine that would fly. Just off these shores, a British warship was sunk in World War II by a German submarine, and all the British sailors are buried in their own cemetery on the island. The region is home to thousands of animal species, especially avian wildlife and is one of the premier national sites for birdwatchers. The unique and beautiful coastal geography, though fragile, has a special providential place in American history and has withstood all the buffets of wind and wave. Thousands of people will not vacation anyplace else in the United States.

This is a car tour, with each family responsible for their own transportation.  We will meet at various locations in and around the islands of the Outer banks according to a schedule that will be included in your confirmation.  Accommodations and meals are not included in registration, although we will be designating various picnic sites where we can gather for meals and fellowship during the tour. 

Food and Fellowship –  We’ve rented a house on near the Wright Brothers Monument so we can enjoy an evening of food and fellowship without the present public space constraints. BYO dinner – no mask required.

What About Covid?

We trust you to make wise decisions for yourself and your family without interference from us. We purposely structured the tour to include primarily outdoor sites and have upgraded our wireless audio systems so you won’t miss a word while being able to maintain a comfortable distance. Masks are not mandated on the tour in general, but some venues we visit may require them. If you have specific questions, please contact us. 100% refunds available until the start of the tour.

Landmark Tours does an amazing job at weaving together our Christian heritage with the broader history in an educational and fun way for everyone in the family! You won’t be disappointed!” —Darrel S.

Tour Highlights

Roanoke Island

In the late 16th Century, Sir Walter Raleigh was given patent to settle an English colony in the New World. He chose the coast of North Carolina and an island called Roanoke to establish his plantation. One hundred fifteen men, women, and children were left there, to be resupplied and reinforced after the ship returned from England. When the adventurers returned, no trace of the colony could be found but a few letters carved in a tree trunk. The fate of the lost colony has been one of the most debated and researched of all the mysteries that lurk in the unknown recesses of American history. We will explore the disappearance theories together near the site of the first major attempt at planting an English colony in America.

Kitty Hawk

The Wright Brothers of Dayton, Ohio, sons of a minister, and men with a vision to build a machine that could escape the bounds of earth like a bird, searched the United States for a private place with lots of wind, which could potentially provide the environment to try out their invention. Providentially, Kitty Hawk, North Carolina proved to be just that place. On December 17, 1903 at Kill Devil Hills, Wilbur and Orville made four flights with the first successful airplane, changing history forever. If any two people with good ideas and indefatigable perseverance made a difference in the advance of technology, it was the bicycle mechanics who founded the aerospace world. We can visit the very sand dunes where those flights took place and learn the whole story of the history-changing event.


From April 17-20, 1864 Confederate forces under General Robert Hoke attacked the Union Garrison and Naval Forces at Plymouth, North Carolina. The great secret weapon of the Southern combined operation was a powerful ironclad ship—the CSS Albemarle—that was designed and built by a nineteen-year-old engineer/inventor, which steamed down the Roanoke River to Plymouth to recapture that town. The iron monster sank two ships and scattered the fleet, while the infantry, cavalry, and artillery assaulted the forts from the land. The Yankee forces gave a good account of themselves, in this second largest battle of the Civil War in North Carolina, but in the end were forced to surrender. Those captured were sent to Andersonville prison, where they became known as “the Plymouth Pilgrims.” Join historian Bill Potter as he tell us the whole story, especially about the captured regiment from his home county, and as we visit the historical museum (if open) that displays the artifacts.

Barrier Islands Lighthouses

The shoals of the barrier islands of North Carolina are probably the most treacherous in the United States, and are known as “the graveyard of the Atlantic.” More than 3,000 shipwrecks tell the story of that danger, over five centuries. Five historic lighthouses grace the shoreline today, although technology has replaced them in efficiency in keeping the boats off the rocks and the bottom of the ocean. Join us at the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse, the most distinctive and famous of them all, finally silent after 148 years of service. If it opens, we can climb the 257 steps to the balcony! The stories of the shipwrecks are endless, each different, yet each the same.

Ticket Information

Included in This Tour

  • All teaching from a Biblical perspective
  • All venue entrance fees
  • All guide fees and gratuities
  • Wireless audio system so you don’t miss a word!
  • Souvenir Glider!
  • Wednesday night fellowship and fun
  • Legendary Landmark Tour quiz with neat prizes!
  • Sweet fellowship and memories that will last a lifetime
Adults (16+):$99
Youth (5-15):$69
Family: (unlimited)$399
Child (0-4):FREE


This tour is a car tour. Each family is responsible for their own lodging and meals, and transportation. All venue admissions are included in your registration fee. If you have any questions, or if we can be of service in any way, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

*As with all NPS sites, Landmark Events does not charge admission for this portion of the tour.

They’ve done all the work for you! Just show up and enjoy each of the amazing venues, and soak in the Biblical interpretations and rich fellowship. You won’t regret it!” —Jessica K.

Historian Bill Potter

Bill Potter

An experienced historian and avid bibliophile, Dr. Bill Potter combines a lifelong study of American history with an uncommon ability to captivate audiences of all ages as he traces the providential acts of God throughout the ages. He has taught history in high schools and colleges, has led many tours of American and European historical sites and brings to each event a wealth of experience and knowledge. An experienced researcher and writer, Dr. Potter possesses a practical knowledge of antiquarian books, documents, and artifacts and has published several short books and has penned many articles and book reviews for publication. Dr. Potter has earned a well-deserved reputation as a man gifted in communicating the story of God’s providential hand in American history. As a father of eight children, he appreciates the necessity of passing on to the succeeding generations the richness of both our regional and national history. He and his wife, Leslie, reside in Virginia.

ScheduleSubject to Change!

Friday, September 25

    • 9:30am            
      • Lost Colony of Roanoke
      • Cape Hatteras Light Station
      •  British Sailor Cemetery
    • 7:30pm
      • Food and Fellowship –  We’ve rented a house on near the Wright Brothers Monument so we can enjoy an evening of food and fellowship without the present public space constraints. BYO dinner.

 Saturday, September 26

    • 9:00am             Wright Brothers Memorial – Kitty Hawk
    •                           Port ‘O Plymouth Museum- Plymouth
    • 3:30pm             Tour Concludes                

Event Schedule
Locations subject to change.

Detailed schedule emailed with registration conformation

Contact us with questions

Friday, July 24 (Dayton)

    11.2 miles ≈ 25 mins. from Hampton Inn Huber Heights
(5588 Merily Way, Huber Heights, OH)
  Carillon Park (Mask mandated for indoors for all 7 years old and older)
(1000 Carillon Blvd, Dayton, OH)
    10.2 miles ≈ 17 mins.
  Wright Brothers Memorial
(Memorial Drive, Wright-Patterson Air Force Base)
    2.3 miles ≈ 6 mins.
  USAF National Museum (Mask mandated for indoors for all 4 years old and older)
(1100 Spaatz St, Dayton, OH)
    4.9 miles ≈ 11 mins.
  Huffman Prairie Flying Field & Glider competition!
Pylon Rd, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433
    Friday night fellowship & fun Springhill Suites(2633 Fairfield Commons Dr. , Beavercreek): Bring your own food and join Bill and Kevin for discussion and of the day’s topics and our Legendary Landmark Tour quiz with neat prizes!

Saturday, July 25 (Columbus)

    18.7 miles ≈ 22 mins. from Hampton Inn Huber Heights
(5588 Merily Way, Huber Heights, OH)
  Old Chillicothe
(1575 US-68 Xenia, OH)
    58 miles ≈ 63 mins.
  Camp Chase
(2900 Sullivant Avenue, Columbus, OH)
    Ice Cream Social!


Mr. Potter and I are renting a house on in Nag’s Head, near the Wright Brothers Monument, so we can have everyone over on Friday evening for food and fellowship – bring your own food and necessary utensils.  No mask required. 

Accommodations are not included in the registration, so you are free to stay wherever works best for you.  Here is a guide to accommodations on the Outer Banks that will be helpful in selecting a place to stay.




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