About the Event

Join Historian Bill Potter, a former resident of Charles City County, Virginia as he leads a focused tour on the remarkable life of John Tyler, 10th President of the U.S. As a former neighbor of the Tylers and friend of President Tyler’s grandson, Harrison, Bill will discuss the Tylers’ important role in Virginia and national history and their contributions to the preservation of the memory and principles of a bygone age.

President John Tyler served the Commonwealth of Virginia as member of the House of Representatives, Governor of the state, Senator, Vice President, and President of the United States. Few men were more qualified to be President in U.S. History, and fewer still used the original intent of the Founders regarding the Constitution as the basis of their political decisions. He came by his convictions honestly—his own father was one of the Founders—Judge John Tyler, who self-consciously trained his son for service and greatness.

How President Tyler, Born in 1790, Still Has Two Living Grandsons


Landmark Tours does an amazing job at weaving together our Christian heritage with the broader history in an educational and fun way for everyone in the family! You won’t be disappointed!” —Darrel S.

Tour Highlights

Our tour will include an intimate visit to Sherwood Forest, the ancestral home and grounds of the Tyler family. We will visit the family cemetery at Greenway Plantation and the gravesite of Judge Tyler, who was the roommate of Thomas Jefferson at William and Mary, and close friend of Patrick Henry and George Mason, and a leader of the Anti-Federalists in Virginia. He served as Speaker of the House of Delegates and Governor of Virginia.

President Tyler became the father of fifteen children, one of whom became a highly respected historian and the President of the College of William and Mary. Lyon Gardner Tyler continued the defense of older values and principles in an academic and political world bent on revising them to conform to the modern ethos of the 20th Century.

Mr. Potter will also give us an in-depth tour of Fort Pocahontas, a pristine Civil War fort preserved on the Tyler property, and the site of an important battle in 1864. It was the inaugural fight for a brigade of black Union soldiers who proved their courage and stamina against the cavalry of the Army of Northern Virginia. Bill is the narrator of the reenactment held there every year.

Sherwood Forest Plantation Big House

Ticket Information

Included in This Tour

  • All teaching from a Biblical perspective
  • All guide fees and gratuities
  • Legendary Landmark Tour quiz with neat prizes!
  • Sweet fellowship and memories that will last a lifetime
Adults (18+):$69
Youth (5-17):$49
Family: (unlimited)$279
Child (0-4):FREE


Note: This is a car tour, so you provide your own transportation and meet us at the various venues for guided tours of each site. Please contact us here or at (210) 885-9351 with any questions.

They’ve done all the work for you! Just show up and enjoy each of the amazing venues, and soak in the Biblical interpretations and rich fellowship. You won’t regret it!” —Jessica K.


Event Schedule
Times and locations subject to change.

Wednesday, June 5

8:45am   Meet at Charles City Courthouse Methodist Church parking lot (11000 Courthouse Rd, Charles City, VA)
9:00am   Greenway Plantation — Tyler Cemetery
10:30am   Sherwood Forest mansion tour
12:00pm   Lunch Break (Courthouse Café across the street is a good option, or bring a picnic basket)
1:30pm   Sherwood Forest grounds tour
3:00pm   Fort Pocahontas grounds tour including the Jamestown 400 monument
5:00pm   Optional dinner & fellowship at local venue.


Below are two Charles City B&B options — highly recommended by Bill Potter for an Antebellum overnight.

North Bend Plantation [Learn More]

Edgewood Plantation [Learn More]

Historian Bill Potter

Bill Potter

An experienced historian and avid bibliophile, Dr. Bill Potter combines a lifelong study of American history with an uncommon ability to captivate audiences of all ages as he traces the providential acts of God throughout the ages. He has taught history in high schools and colleges, has led many tours of American and European historical sites and brings to each event a wealth of experience and knowledge. An experienced researcher and writer, Dr. Potter possesses a practical knowledge of antiquarian books, documents, and artifacts and has published several short books and has penned many articles and book reviews for publication. Dr. Potter has earned a well-deserved reputation as a man gifted in communicating the story of God’s providential hand in American history. As a father of eight children, he appreciates the necessity of passing on to the succeeding generations the richness of both our regional and national history. He and his wife, Leslie, reside in Virginia.

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